Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011 Paris, France

We went to the Jewish Area of Paris today.  We checked out the restaurants and stores in this area.  Restaurants were one after another for several blocks.  We had a cappuccino and croissant for a late breakfast so we were not hungry.  Now that we know where it is we will go another time to try some of the food.



Look at the date established on the left side under the 2 boys – 5765 that is date on the Jewish Calendar.


I'm not sure what they have in this place.


Edward at a Kosher Pizza Parlor

DSC01019This is an old timber house in the area.


DSC01021Crossing to the other side is Notre Dame.  Long lines to get in to see this.  It is beautiful and they are working on it on the back side. We


DSC01020The guy was playing the piano in the middle of the bridge.  A good thing the bridge was closed to traffic.

DSC01025another store sign. We ate some lunch here at Le Bistro.  French Onion Soup, Chicken and dessert and wine.

DSC01026More food on display – roasted chicken, duck, lamb, a pig and at the bottom vegetables.

After lunch we went to a local theater and saw “Water for Elephants”.  Edward read the book and I have it to read.  We liked it.  It was good idea for us to eat before the movie, they only had a vending machine with water and soft drinks in it.  Only about 8 people in the theater. 

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