Friday, October 7, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011 Berlin, Germany – City Bus Tour, Wall Art, Hostel Boat and dinner

We are on our own for today.   We decide it is a nice day to take the City Bus Tour that begins near the TV Tower.

Fountain at Alexander PlatzGaleria Shopping Mall at Alexander Platz

Alexander Platz fountain, Galleria Shopping and TV Tower

DSC02663DSC02664DSC02665DSC02667City Hall

Neptune FountainNeptune Fountain near TV Tower

Balloon over park  Park with balloon







DSC02679Lindon Tree Street

Linden Trees

DSC02681 DSC02683

Brandenburg Gate

DSC02672 River







DSC02690Park on the river had lots of people with the warm weather today.


Berlin Hauptbahnhof - newDSC02692

New Berlin Train Station

Bellvue Palace Palace in Berlin



Market on Saturday  Open Market in Berlin

Part of Old Gate to City Part of original city gate.

Street Lamp Street Lights

Bayer office building Bayer Building

Architecture - open glass at end New architecture with open area of building on the left side “Art”

Mercedes Building Mercedes building

Sony building Sony Building

Curry Wurst and old Tarbi Car signCurry Wurst and and the old Communist built Targi automobile

Trabi Car is old communist made carMuseum for the Communist built Targi Auto


Berlin Wall history posters Wall history posters

Berlin Wall history postersWall history posters

McDonald sign for Checkpoint CharlieMcDonalds sign at Check Point Charlie



Lowenbrau Beer Lowenbrau Beer anyone?

Television Tower - observation floor and restaurant floor The TV Tower at Alexander Platz

Neptune FountainNeptune fountain

Live music in the square Orchestra playing in the plaza and protesters

Bike rental - I hope it is not this one! Fat Tire Bike meeting point

Elaine with Berlin Bear in the subway Elaine with Berlin Bear in the “U” underground subway

Oldest bridge in BerlinOberbaum Bridge from the “S” Baun, elevated train

I'm not sure what kind of club this would be! I’m not sure what kind of club this is so I didn’t go.

Oldest Bridge in BerlinOldest Bridge in Berlin

Oberbaum Bridge. – Oldest bridge in East Germany

Walking along the river we found a Boat Hostel. I wanted to see the table at the entrance and then we decided to talk to the girl at the reception desk.  It seemed to be quite nice and she showed us the superior rooms that were available. 

Edward on a Hostel boat on the riverTable on the Hostel boat

At the rear portion of the boat was a nice lounge bar and open air deck.  We stopped to have a glass of wine and enjoy being on the river.

Bar on the Hostel boatEdward inside the bar on the Hostel Boat

Elaine at the Hostel Boat BarElaine on the open deck.


Berlin Wall from the Hostel Boat on the riverView from the Hostel Boat on the river.

Leaving the Hostel Boat Bar Sign on the gang plank leaving the Hostel Boat


Opening in the Berlin Wall A doorway in the Wall

Below are picture of the Wall Art Gallery for 2005 10th year of tearing down of the Wall.

Berlin Wall art painted in 2009 for 10th anniversary of fall of wall   Berlin Wall art painted in 2009 for 10th anniversary of fall of wall   Berlin Wall art painted in 2009 for 10th anniversary of fall of wall Berlin Wall art painted in 2009 for 10th anniversary of fall of wall

Windows bricked in on East German side so they could not see West Germany The windows of this building were bricked in to keep from looking over the Wall.

That evening for dinner we went to Alexander Platz by the TV Tower and had a German dinner.  The weather is great for out door dining.

Television Tower at nigh  

Edward with Snitzel and me with cheese burgerEdward had Snitzel and I had a Cheese Burger.

Meal at bottom of television tower  What a great way to end the evening.


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