Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 1, 2013–Train trip to Glasgow

Decided to visit Glasgow so we took the day train. Less than a one hour trip and the trains run every 15 minutes. We found that Glasgow is a much more modern city than Edinburgh. The reason is that Glasgow had more than 146 ship building companies during World War II at the height of Glasgow’s industrial era and thus it was a target for German bombs. Glasgow was extensively bombed and had to be rebuilt after the war.

Glasgow, Scotland CathedralAncient cathedral in Glasgow.

The Glasgow Necropolis is a Victorian cemetery in Glasgow, Scotland. It is on a low but very prominent hill to the east of Glasgow CathedralDuring the height of Glasgow’s industrial age there were many very wealthy industrialists and they commissioned majestic crypts for their burial.

Glasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland

Below, Merchant’s Square where the wealthy trading merchants had their homes and offices.

Glasgow, Scotland Merchant SquareGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland

Below, the botanical gardens of Glasgow.

Glasgow Botanical GardensGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland famous bakeryGlickmans, and old Glasgow candy maker.

Glasgow, Scotland housesGlasgow, Scotland housing signGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandBelow, bridge over the Clydes River (Clydesdale Horses are from here)

Glasgow, Scotland bridge of Clydes River (Clydes Dale Horses are from here)Glasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland  Strange rounds building is the Glasgow Science Center.

Below, the Quirky Bridge built at an angle across the River Clyde.

Glasgow, Scotland Quirky Bridge - bridge is at an angleGlasgow, Scotland New Scottish Hydro entertainment complexGlasgow, Scotland New Scottish Hydro entertainment complexNew Scottish Hydro entertainment complex

Glasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland UniversityGlasgow University.

Glasgow, Scotland UniversityIMG_0765IMG_0766Glasgow, Scotland  - similar to St. Michele in ParisGlasgow church patterned on St. Michele in Paris

Glasgow, Scotland - Church is now an entertainment clubGlasgow, Scotland - Church is now an entertainment clubGlasgow, Scotland - Church is now an entertainment club.

Below, the Botanical Gardens of Glasgow.

Glasgow, Scotland Botanical GardensGlasgow, Scotland Botanical GardensGlasgow, Scotland Botanical GardensGlasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland UniversityGlasgow University.

Glasgow, ScotlandGlasgow, Scotland built in 1938 Art Deco BuildingArt Deco building built in 1938.

Glasgow, Scotland Jumpin Jaks ClubGlasgow, Scotland Jumpin Jaks Club

Glasgow, Scotland - "Running Time" Sculpture"Running Time" Sculpture

Glasgow, Scotland 3D layout of cityGlasgow, Scotland 3D layout of city.

Glasgow, Scotland nickname "Clockwork Orange" Subway System - color is orangeGlasgow, Scotland nickname "Clockwork Orange" Subway System - color is orange

Glasgow, Scotland Pedestradian areaElaine with the beautiful flower displays all over central areaElaine with the beautiful flower displays all over central area.

Below, interior pictures of the beautiful municipal building in Glasgow.

Glasgow, Scotland - more than 1 million mosaic tiles all layed by handGlasgow, Scotland - Edward in City Hall with beautiful marble walls and staircaseGlasgow, Scotland - Office of Town Clerk Public OfficeGlasgow, Scotland - City Council City Chambers

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